Part 1:

Part 3:
Aarhus Festival: big and small persons

Part 4:
Our guests

Part 5:
Dreams about Estonia come true

Part 6:
See how sunny we are

Part 7:
Drinking and aftermath

Part 8:
Russian motives

Part 9:
Bus-tour to southern Estonia

Part 10:
Do you really want to see Estonian railways?

Part 11:
Window to the Netherlands

Panoramic picture of Tallinn (light version, 50 KB)

Panoramic picture of Tallinn (full version, 200 KB)

Front page
Part 2: Day by day in Aarhus

Photo: Gitte Young Pedersen

Even if you are a foreigner in Denmark you should have
an individual social security number (CPR-nummer).
But, unfortunately, there is no tables in the Aarhus CPR-office

Photo: Unauthorized

We had many parties in Aarhus. After them we began to be unpredictable and made funny things

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