Denmark and me
This site was created unexpectedly and mostly by occasion. I have read once again my diaries which I regularly wrote during four months of my studies in Denmark, this nice small country which is situated on the peninsula somewhere in between Germany and Sweden, and on numerous islands in passages Kattegat and Oresund, somewhere in between the Baltic and the North Seas.
Danes is the nice people who have built beautiful cities, bridges and railways, who jog every morning at any season and preserve the country's environment, who speak the language which is not understandable even for their nearest neighbours - Swedes and Norwegians. But anyway, I still have only good impressions and reminiscenses about Denmark and Danes.
My diary about Denmark has been magically transformed by the Internet, and now it is not common diary, but hyperdiary. They can be read simply day after day, but it is possible to start free navigation across them, pressing from time to time on numerous hyperlinks inside the text.
First, there are links to various Danish realities like shops, educational institutions, governmental and nongovernmental agencies. Second, there you will find links to several texts which I wrote either when was supposed to, or for pleasure.
Moreover, during these four months I worked as the foreign correspondent of the Russian news agency RIA "Novosti" in Denmark and sent to Moscow news items about Danish political, cultural, sport life. They can be also found on this site.
I'm sorry, but almost all information on this site is in Russian. But don't give up, my English-speaking friends! There is something for you too. Alex couldn't leave you without bonus! There is photoalbum, my evaluation of the semester and several texts from different courses I passed at the Danish School of Journalism.
You can also have a look at my news items for the RIA "Novosti" (in English) and at the list of Danish links.