Тексты – Texts
Отчет о стажировке в Дании
Evaluation for the Danish
Democracy Foundation
Русский в Европах
A moveable feast
She flies in her dreams and on the air
Fish from the Information Sea
International News Gathering:
How am I after it?
A good Chechen is a dead Chechen?
Russia on its way to the positive
image abroad
Russia on its way to the positive
image abroad (2nd edition)
Позитивный имидж России
за рубежом
Privatization of Estonia
Work report
Мой эстонско-русский словарь
Depleted uranium ricochets
NATO soldiers
Depleted uranium ricochets
NATO soldiers (2nd edition)
Обедненный уран
My first experience
of covering terrorism
Отчет о практике
в РИА "Новости"
материалы о Дании
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Перед вами заключительная анкета, которую заполняли все студенты нашей группы с целью оценить всю программу и помочь ее координаторам понять, что им удалось сделать, а что – нет. Очень эффективный, на мой взгляд, способ обратной связи.

This is a final evaluation of the whole semester in the Danish School of Journalism. It helps the Programme co-ordinators to see what they have succeeded in and what they haven’t. I think it is very good way to get feedback from students.

International semester Programme
fall 2001


We would like you to evaluate the International Semester Programme.

Please spend some time on the evaluation, as we take your comments - good and bad - very seriously. You can either write your comments here, on a separate piece of paper or e-mail them to Anna (anna@djh.dk). Make sure to justify and give reasons for your comments. Please mark from 1 to 10 with 10 as the highest and comment - both content and teacher.

Please write an evaluation covering the following points:

Name___Alexander Smotrov______

1. The best thing and the worst thing about the programme

The best thing for me was programme itself and the opportunity to spend a semester in the Danish School of Journalism, learning the Western journalism as it is.

The worst thing for me is the end of the programme. But all good things end sooner or later.

2. What major things have you learned during your stay at the Danish School of Journalism?

The Western concept of writing and coverage of the events. We studied many things about the Western media, their economy, management, circulation, but almost nothing about the content.

Here I could express my impressions in some articles in English which has improved a lot as I can see.

The courses helped me have a new look on some events and problems.

I still have the same personal attitude to some things but it reflects less and less in my stories. I became more objective in my work. But to be objective is not enough to have the right word order in quotations, you need to have good knowledge of things around you.

The DJH courses helped me very much in it.

I discovered Denmark for myself through our workshops and assignments. But I also revealed some details about Estonia, Russia, the USA, the whole world. I began to think in more global way, and I think it is very good.

3. What programme improvements would you like to suggest for next semester?

I’m very glad that the next semester key workshop will deal with Russia. As I observed here, a lot of Western people still have a lot of stereotypes about Russia. I hope the trip to St.-Petersburg will eradicate many of them. Maybe it would be very good to make Western stereotypes about Russia a mainstream theme of the Stereotypes course, which is scheduled just before St.-Petersburg workshop.

4. Specific comments on the programme:

- in general:

Quite well organized: tough courses with the everyday schedule are succeeded by the courses with the classes 2-3 times a week.

We had a lot of time for independent studies and for personal experience of Denmark as a whole.

But I think there should be several Danes during all the courses. It made many things easier and is a good practice for them as well.

- introduction to Denmark (the first week)

It’s, of course, necessary, because some people (especially from the US) come to the country without any understanding of the situation going on. Being Russian, I have discovered a number of new things for me too. Maybe, you should pay more attention to the Danish journalism during this week.

You could organize a visit to some newspaper office or radio station. At last, you have Danmarks Radio just on the other side of Olof Palmes Alle…

Mark: 7

- Cultural Danish Course (Marie Vejrup)

It was very quick and overview course. I don’t like the Danish Language at all after this introduction, because it was nothing.

It would be better to explain some more tricky moments about the everyday Danish life: where to buy things, what are the rules in the relations with other people etc.

And for some people who want to study Danish language, it would be better not to try just repeat "rød grød med fløde" after the teacher, but to get an opportunity (for example, a discount) to have real Danish classes if they want. I subscribed for the Danish course for beginners in ISC, and it was really cool!

But Marie Vejrup did a good job in the spring when she helped us answering mails, sending invitations etc. Thank you!

Mark: 5

- News gathering course (Mogens Cuber)

I should say it was one of the two best courses during the whole workshop. The idea was great: to teach us to tell stories. But unfortunately it was not everybody who understood it…

It was the only thing when we can see everything happening at the moment with our own eyes and felt as real journalists. We visited the press-conference in the folketing which was ordinary press-conference, and we were journalists, we didn’t play journalism!

And it was great that we were supposed to create our own web-site about this Carmi Gillon case. It was my first web-site ever.

The only thing I should complain that this course could be organized not at the very beginning of the workshop, because we are supposed to have more knowledge about the situation in Denmark before starting coverage of the Danish events. And the teacher should be more active during the course.

Mark: 9

- Stereotype course (Jody Pennington and guest lecturers)

It is very good course: it made me to have a new look at the world around us. Now I can have fresh impressions about people and countries.

I don’t like at all the lecture about the Asian American stereotypes. I’m not sure that this topic was interesting even for the Americans. Maybe it would more useful to dedicate this class to another topic (Russia and the West, some human questions, PR and stereotypes).

The idea of student presentations and guest lecturers was very good.

Mark: 8

- Travel period

I should say "thanks a lot" to the Danish Democracy Foundation for our scholarship. Else it will be impossible for us to go to some other countries. It is much easier to travel around Europe when you have Denmark as a starting point. All the people in our group had travelled a lot before going to Denmark, but not the Russians.

It is very nice that we could make our dreams true in Denmark! We got much for our articles and for our journalistic experience after those trips.

Thank you once more!

Mark: 10

- EU workshop Estonia (John Frølich and guest lecturers)

This workshop was supposed to be the center of the whole semester.

It was quite carefully organized but it could be more lively.

I liked different kinds of work we did: Blue book, interviews, articles, research etc. The guest lecturers were also very professional and interesting persons.

The trip to Estonia was also very good experience for us! We knew so much both in the field of journalism and in the life…

We really did discover Estonia for ourselves and tried to express our impressions in the booklet and then in the web-site. Just click

Mark: 8

- Web magazine production (Chester Folming and guest lecturers)

One of the best things I have ever done! I liked it!

It is the future of journalism. Even now, even in Russia I can see how Internet catches people in its nets.

So we had a great work in different areas: we produced pictures, stories, Flash-movies, links, maps etc. We created our own cyberspace.

Chester&Co. were very nice. They didn’t prevent us of creation, just helped us. Sometimes by coaching, sometimes by fixing. And we have the real product of our work and this fact makes us proud of ourselves.

Mark: 10

- Risk Reporting course (Jody Pennington and guest lecturers)

I found out that the "risk" is regarded differently here and in Russia. If you say "risk reporting" in Russia, everybody imagines a war correspondent, WTC wreckage and a crowd of journalists around etc. But here risks are energy abuses, illnesses, alcoholism and so on.

But in any case journalists should point out some problems which can be small now but can lead to unpredictable consequences in the future. If you write about politics and pay no attention to green house effect, there is a possibility that green house effect hurts you sooner than the politicians.

Unfortunately, journalists in Russia don’t pay much attention to these problems, but they should. I realized it even before my trip to Denmark, but here I became more sure that I was right.

Mark: 7

5. Other matters: administration, housing, facilities etc.

My accommodation was very good, probably the best accommodation in the town. I wish that you should keep these places for next participants and try even to gain more rooms in the Grundtvigs Hus Kollegiet and remove students from Lystrup, please…

I would like to say thank you to Anna Nejrup, Inger Munk, Gitte Young Petersen for the help and good advice. Special thanks to the Danish Democracy Foundation which made this trip possible for us, because average Russian student can’t afford it by his/her own expenses.

Good-bye and good luck!

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