Тексты – Texts
Отчет о стажировке в Дании
Evaluation of the International
Semester Programme in DJH
Evaluation for the Danish
Democracy Foundation
Русский в Европах
A moveable feast
Fish from the Information Sea
International News Gathering:
How am I after it?
A good Chechen is a dead Chechen?
Russia on its way to the positive
image abroad
Russia on its way to the positive
image abroad (2nd edition)
Позитивный имидж России
за рубежом
Privatization of Estonia
Work report
Мой эстонско-русский словарь
Depleted uranium ricochets
NATO soldiers
Depleted uranium ricochets
NATO soldiers (2nd edition)
Обедненный уран
My first experience
of covering terrorism
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в РИА "Новости"
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Это мое первое журналистское задание в Дании. Надо было сделать интервью с кем-нибудь из своих одногруппников. Моему преподавателю не понравилось то, что оно было сделано в форме вопросов и ответов, а не авторского текста, как это принято на Западе. Короче говоря, они используют интервью как метод получения информации, но не как жанр. Но мне тогда было это совершенно неведомо.

This is my first journalistic assignment in Denmark. We were supposed to write an interview with one of the classmates. My teacher didn’t like the way to write an interview in “question-answer” form. The Western journalism tradition is to present it as a plain text using questions and answers as original material. But I didn’t know about it at all.

She flies in her dreams and on the air
An outline portrait of a young journalist painted by words

by Alexander Smotrov

Mari Rebane is one of the six Estonian participants of the International semester programme in the Danish School of Journalism. Now this pretty long-haired blonde studies the secrets of international news gathering together with her 14 group-mates from all the world. She has already practised herself as a working journalist at the radio station in Tartu.

- Mari, what was your feeling during the first time you were on the air?
- Actually, it was a butterfly feeling. You seem to have something cool in your stomach, your totally lose the sense of control on yourself, but you begin to recognize your own importance. You understand, that your voice gets the every person who is listening in at the moment. ‘He hears me!’ – this idea comes to your mind and makes you happy.

- What was the happiest day for you in the recent time?
- As for my journalistic work, I think it was the day when the chief editor of the radio station "KUKU", when I was on the internship in July, offered me to come back to the station next year. At that moment I was ready to scream ‘I wanna be a journalist!!! It would be a good opportunity for me and the only thing that still makes me hesitate is a small salary. But I hope it could be better if I worked harder.

- Mari, can you remember any period of your life which made a great influence on you, maybe changed your walk of life totally?
- Yes, I have one such period. It was just after I finished my studies at the high-school. I began to work at the music-shop, which sold CDs. Working in the alternative music department got me interested in this kind of music, formed my musical tastes and preferences.
At that place I grew up as a human being, it was a good experience of the team work.
At last, at the shop I met my first boy-friend, who was a very cool boy. Now he is 26 years old, he is married and has a child, but I will always remember him, because it was the first, but real love.

- And what is your ideal of a man?
- He is supposed to be smart, not thin and not short. I would prefer if he was interested in music and had sense of humour. I don’t mean stupid or black humour. And one thing more. I would like him to be long-haired. I don’t why. Maybe, there is some romantic in it.

- Haven’t you yet met such a boy here in Denmark?
- Yes, probably. He lives at the same dormitory where some of our group-mates live. He is 27 and he is a rather smart guy with light-red hair, eye-brows and lashes. He is a very cool guy and he is very much close to my ideal of man.

- Mari, tell me please, what do you dream about at while you are asleep?
- First of all I should say that I haven’t yet slept properly since we left Estonia and came to Denmark. Maybe it is the consequences of some kind of stress. But usually almost all my dreams are in colour, black and white dreams are not typical for me.
As for action in my dreams, I can say that they are full of it, they seem to be movies or streams of thoughts and senses. And I often see my illnesses when I sleep. They look like geometrical figures – squares, triangles – penetrating into my body. It’s a kind of sign for me. And, of course, flying is usual for me. I should only hit the ground…

So, it was an impression portrait of a girl, who can easily make her start from the ground for the clouds, to fly in and/or on the air and to feel very well.